Andrew Brack

Name Andrew Brack
Sex Male
IRC names Male
ICQ number None
Location Opposite my computer
Personal Andrew has recently changed his views from anti-John to pro-John and has taken up the stance that being Cornish is the worst thing since diced-bread... He is looking forward to the next Austin Powers movie having read several jokes from the script. Andrew wishes to convey that it's not worth taking him seriously - it's not like anyone ever does. His bath is currently unoccupied and he is currently single. Such a suprise...
Top 5 B5 Links None
Top 5 Non-B5 links None
Favourite B5 episode That one with that guy doing that thing in it. That was such a great episode. (Alternatively: Passing Through Gethsemane)
Favourite B5 character Bester
Pets (if any) 4 Geese (Although they are more masters than pets)
Cats or Hamsters? Geese (under the supreme rule of the cats)
Green or Purple? Tangerine